Sentinel node
Sentinel node

sentinel node

In addition, the lymphatic system includes the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, such as tonsils, adenoids, Peyers patches in the small bowel and even the appendix. The lymph nodes serve as a filter, thus, when the lymph fluid returns to the heart, it is completely sterile.

sentinel node

Scrawled on this paper in 1969 were the first four nodes of the ARPANET network, which later became the Internet.The lymphatic system is a complicated system consisting of the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes draining the extracellular fluid containing cellular debris, excess water and toxins to the circulatory system. In SMP, it is one computer system with two or more processors and shared memory. (6) In multiprocessing systems, a node can be a single processor or system. (5) In computer graphics, a node is an endpoint of a graphical element. (4) In the Document Object Model (DOM), which exposes HTML and XML content to an application or script, every element, every attribute of that element, and each piece of textual content for every attribute is considered a node. (3) In database management, a node is an item of data that can be accessed by two or more routes. Devices that hold and serve data are "hosts." See host, hub, switch, router and terminal. Every terminal, computer, hub, switch and router is a node. (2) In a network, a node is a junction or connection point.

#Sentinel node free

This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing ( ) node (1) See Node.js. The longitude of the ascending node and the right ascension of the ascending node are orbital elements.įor binary stars the points where the orbits intersect the plane perpendicular to the line of sight are called nodes. When the orbits of artificial earth satellites are determined, the plane of the equator serves as the reference plane, and the positions of the nodes are given by the right ascensions of the nodes. In this case, the position of the nodes on the celestial sphere is defined by their longitudes. A distinction is made between the ascending node (astronomical symbol ), where the celestial body crosses from the southern to the northern side of the reference plane, and the descending node (symbol ), where the body crosses the reference plane in the opposite direction.įor planets, comets, and the moon the ecliptic serves as the reference plane. The points where the orbit intersects the reference plane are sometimes also called nodes. In astronomy, one of the two diametrically opposite points of the celestial sphere at which the plane of the orbit of some celestial body intersects a reference coordinate plane that is either the plane of the ecliptic or of the equator. Perturbations like those that cause regression of the lunar nodes cause the precession of the equinoxes. The ascending node, when the sun appears to cross the celestial equator from south to north, is the vernal equinox the descending node is the autumnal equinox. There are two nodes in the sun's apparent orbit around the earth. Another reference plane that can be used to define nodes is the plane of the earth's equator, which is also the plane of the celestial equator (see equatorial coordinate system). The lunar nodes regress (move westward along the ecliptic) due to perturbations from the other bodies in the solar system, e.g., the sun and planets. The lunar nodes are the points where the moon's line of nodes, when extended, strike the celestial sphere. A line connecting two nodes is called a line of nodes. Since the moon's orbit has an inclination of 5☉′ to the plane of the ecliptic, there are two nodes in the moon's orbit around the earth the point where the moon in its orbit crosses from south of the ecliptic plane to north of it is called the ascending node, and the point where it crosses from north to south is called the descending node. One reference plane that is often used is the plane of the earth's orbit around the sun ( ecliptic). Node, in astronomy, point at which the orbit of a body crosses a reference plane.

Sentinel node